

Jingfang Technology (603005.SH): Sino-Singapore Venture Capital recently reduced its shareholding by 1.07%

Gelonghui Finance ·  Dec 28, 2022 16:55

Gelonghui December 28th 丨Jingfang Technology (603005.SH) announced that on December 28, 2022, the company received a “Notice Concerning the Share Reduction Ratio Reaching 1%” from Sino-Singapore Suzhou Industrial Park Venture Capital Co., Ltd. (“Sino Venture Capital” or “Information Disclosure Obliger”), a shareholder holding 5% or more of the company's shares. From December 26, 2022 to December 28, 2022, the bulk transaction reduced its holdings by 1.07%.

After this change in equity, the percentage of shares of listed companies held by the obligor of information disclosure will drop from 21.12% to 20.05%.

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