

Lianchuang Electronics (002036.SZ) plans to replace Lianchuang Hongsheng's shares with Lianchuang Electric Sound's 20.05% shares

Zhitong Finance ·  Dec 27, 2022 18:46

According to the Zhitong Finance App, Lianchuang Electronics (002036.SZ) announced that in order to meet the operating and development needs of the company's participating company Jiangxi Lianchuang Hongsheng Electronics Co., Ltd. (“Lianchuang Hongsheng”), fulfill its planning vision of entering the capital market platform within the group, and enable its wholly-owned subsidiary Jiangxi Lianchuang Electroacoustic Co., Ltd. (“Lianchuang Electric” for short) to develop better and rapidly. The company plans to replace all 20.05% of Lianchuang Hongsheng's shares with 20.05% of Lianchuang Electric's shares. With the completion of this transaction, the company no longer holds shares in Lianchuang Hongsheng and directly holds 20.05% of Lianchuang Electric Sound's shares.

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