
A股异动 | 新亚制程大跌逾7% 原控股股东违规占用资金 实控人等被警示

Changes in A-shares | Xinya Process plummeted by more than 7%, and the original controlling shareholder was warned that the actual controller and others had illegally occupied funds

Gelonghui Finance ·  Dec 27, 2022 10:25
Gelonghui, December 27, 丨 New Asia's manufacturing process plummeted more than 7% to 6.88 yuan, a new low of nearly a month and a half, with a total market value of 3.5 billion yuan. Xinya Process announced earlier this morning that the company and Xinlida Group, the former controlling shareholder, have received a decision on administrative supervision measures from the Guangdong Securities Regulatory Bureau. After investigation, Xinya Process has the following irregularities: the non-operating capital transactions between Xinya Process and the controlling shareholders and their related parties were not disclosed in accordance with regulations; the revenue recognition methods used in some businesses were inappropriate; the business operating conditions disclosed in the annual report information were inaccurate and incomplete; the Guangdong Securities Regulatory Bureau decided to take administrative supervision measures ordering corrections against Xinya Process and issued administrative supervision measures against Xu Leiyu, Hu Dafu, Hu Dan, and Wu Na. After investigation, Xinlida Group has unoperationally occupied funds from Xinya Process on several occasions. The Guangdong Securities Regulatory Bureau decided to take administrative supervision measures ordering corrections against Xinlida Group and to take administrative supervision measures by issuing a warning letter against Xu Qi.

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