
A股异动 | 医疗器械股走强 血氧仪多型号断货+涨价

Changes in A-shares | Medical device stocks strengthen, many models of oximeters are out of stock+price increases

Gelonghui Finance ·  Dec 26, 2022 09:39
Gelonghui, December 26, 丨 Medical device stocks strengthened, Kangtai Medical rose 5%, ST Oriental and Kerfu Medical rose 4%, and Yuyue Medical and Lepu Medical rose 3%. According to the news, oximeters are facing challenges such as lack of stock, long pre-sale times, and price increases. A recent search of major e-commerce platforms revealed that currently only a few stores can place orders for oximeters that can be shipped immediately. Most stores have sold out multiple models of oximeters. Some models are on pre-sale, and delivery times range from 2 to 15 days. As investors, I called a number of listed companies that are in the business of oximeters. A number of companies said that demand for oximeter products is currently tight, and companies generally report that they are stepping up the supply of oximeter products and expanding production capacity.

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