

Tefat Information (000070.SZ): Shenzhen State-owned Assets Administration Commission entrusts voting rights corresponding to 38.97% of TEFA Group's shares to Shenzhen Investment Control

Gelonghui Finance ·  Dec 23, 2022 21:45

Glonghui, December 23, 丨 Tefat Information (000070.SZ) announced that the company recently received the “Approval from the Shenzhen State-owned Assets Administration Commission on Signing a 38.97% Equity Voting Rights Agreement with Shenzhen Tefa Group Co., Ltd.” (“Shenzhen State-owned Assets Administration Commission” or “Municipal State-owned Assets Administration Commission”) issued by the Shenzhen State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the Shenzhen People's Government (“Shenzhen State-owned Assets Administration Commission” or “Municipal State-owned Assets Administration Commission”) (Shenzhen Investment Commission Letter [2022] Document 581). The main content of the review is as follows: The main content of the review is as follows: Agree to the Municipal State-owned Assets Administration Commission (“Shenzhen State-owned Assets Administration Commission”) The voting rights corresponding to 38.97% of the shares held by Tefat Group are entrusted to Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. (“Shenzhen Investment Control”) through an agreement.

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