
美瑞新材(300848.SZ)以4921万元竞得烟台开发区一处土地 将用于未来扩建或新建项目

Meirui New Materials (300848.SZ) competes for 49.21 million yuan for a piece of land in the Yantai Development Zone to be used for future expansion or new construction projects

Zhitong Finance ·  Dec 23, 2022 18:56

According to the Zhitong Finance App, Meirui New Materials (300848.SZ) announced that the company successfully competed for land use rights for a parcel of land for 49.21 million yuan. It is located in the C-47 community of Yantai Development Zone, with an area of 88652.3 square meters. The land use rights won in this competition will be used as production and operation land for the company's future expansion or construction projects.

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