
花福投资拟转让中天荟景40%股权连同债权 粤宏远A(000573.SZ)子公司放弃股权优先购买权

Huafu Investment plans to transfer 40% of Zhongtian Huijing's shares along with a debt to Guangdong Hongyuan A (000573.SZ) subsidiary to relinquish preferential equity purchase rights

Gelonghui Finance ·  Dec 23, 2022 16:05

Gelonghui December 23 丨Guangdong Hongyuan A (000573.SZ) announced that Hongyuan Investment, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, holds 10% of the shares in the participating company Zhongtian Huijing. Huafu Investment, one of the shareholders of Zhongtian Huijing, plans to reduce 40% of its shares held by Zhongtian Huijing to about 4 along with the debt in the near future.One billion yuan was transferred to Huicheng Huayue. Other shareholders with priority purchasing rights of Zhongtian Huijing have the right to choose whether to relinquish their priority purchasing rights.

The company held the 24th meeting of the 10th board of directors on December 22, 2022 to deliberate and pass the “Proposal on Wholly Owned Subsidiaries Abandoning the Exercise of Shareholders' Preferential Purchase Rights for Shareholders' Equity Transfer”, which agreed that Hongyuan Investment would relinquish the exercise of priority purchase rights for the shares transferred by the shareholders of Zhongtian Huijing this time.

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