
A股异动 | 三羊马(001317.SZ)逼近跌停 董事李刚全减持数过半 已减持3.75万股

Changes in A-shares | Sanyangma (001317.SZ) is about to stop, Director Li Gangquan has reduced his holdings by more than half by 37,500 shares

Gelonghui Finance ·  Dec 23, 2022 14:30
Gelong Exchange (001317.SZ) is close to its daily limit on December 23, falling 9.8% to 47.04 yuan, with a temporary turnover of 300 million yuan, with the latest market capitalization of 3.76 billion yuan. Sanyang Horse announced yesterday that the company recently received a notification letter issued by the company's director Li Gangquan, learning that the number of holdings reduction plan has been more than half. It has reduced its holdings by 37500 shares, or 0.05 per cent, through centralized bidding.

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