
中百集团(000759.SZ)选举汪梅方为董事长 聘任张俊为总经理

Zhongbai Group (000759.SZ) elected Wang Meifang as chairman and appointed Zhang Jun as general manager

Zhitong Finance ·  Dec 20, 2022 19:47

According to the Zhitong Finance App, Zhongbai Group (000759.SZ) announced that the company recently received written resignation reports submitted by the company's director, Ms. Shao Bo, the general manager, Mr. Wang Meifang, and the deputy general manager, Mr. Zhang Jun. Due to job adjustments, Ms. Shao Bo requested to resign as a director and a member of the board's special committee. Mr. Wang Meifang requested to resign as the general manager, and Mr. Zhang Jun will not hold any positions in the company after his resignation. Mr. Wang Meifang and Mr. Zhang Jun will continue to work for the company.

The company held the 20th meeting of the 10th board of directors on December 20, 2022, to deliberate and pass the “Proposal on By-election of Directors”. Mr. Li Jun and Ms. Shao resigned as directors of the company due to job adjustments. After a qualification review by the nomination committee, it was agreed that Wuhan Chamber of Commerce (Group) Co., Ltd., the largest shareholder of the company, and Wuhan Huahan Investment Management Co., Ltd., the largest shareholder of the company, and Wuhan Huahan Investment Management Co., Ltd. separately nominated Mr. Zhang Jun and Ms. Jia Lei as candidates for the 10th board of directors. The term of office starts from the date of review and approval by the shareholders' meeting until the expiration of the current board of directors.

The meeting deliberated and passed the “Bill on Election of the Chairman of the Board” and the “Proposal on the Appointment of the General Manager”. The meeting elected Mr. Wang Meifang as the chairman of the 10th board of directors of the company, and agreed to appoint Mr. Zhang Jun as the company's general manager. The term of office starts from the date the board of directors deliberates and passes until the expiration of the current board of directors.

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