

Stand on the trillion-dollar frontier of vocational education and blue-collar services! Youlan International has explosive growth opportunities

Gelonghui Finance ·  Dec 16, 2022 09:03

After the introduction of the "New Ten principles" epidemic prevention optimization measures, the optimization of epidemic prevention policies in various places have followed up one after another, and a strong recovery is on the way. In this stage of economic recovery and production recovery, people service-related manufacturers play a very important role, which is worthy of active attention.

On December 13th, China's largest one-stop blue-collar lifetime service platform, the largest secondary vocational education management service provider, China's third largest blue-collar OMO recruitment service provider, and China's largest blue-collar employee service provider Youlan International submitted its prospectus.

With the addition of many star halos, what is the qualification of Youlan International?

The first part is standing on.Vocational EducationBlue collarService new tuyere

Youlan International is the largest blue-collar lifelong service group and is synonymous with blue-collar vocational education and service. Its founder Wang Yunlei took a fancy to the great opportunity of the rapid development of the blue-collar service market, joined the track as early as 2008, and built a leading blue-collar service ecosystem through deep ploughing the market for more than a decade.

From now on, there is no doubt that this layout is very forward-looking and extremely in line with the trend of social development-especially under the background that China's economy stands at a new historical starting point. If China's economic development in the past few decades depends on the middle-and low-end manufacturing industry based on demographic dividend, then the proposition of the times at this stage has been completely different, and the transformation and upgrading of the national economic structure will become the core driving force for development. In this process, the demand for basic talents in the industry has gradually changed from quantity to quality, and the demand for skilled talents is increasing. From the perspective of economic development theory, under the Lewis inflection point, there is an urgent need for our country to change from population dividend to talent dividend.

Although the demand for the improvement of the quality of the labor force is so strong, the supply side has failed to keep up. The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security pointed out that there is a large ratio of senior engineers, senior technicians and senior skilled jobs to the number of job seekers, and the gap of senior technicians is much more than 4 million. According to the "National ranking of 100 occupations in which recruitment is larger than Job-hunting" announced by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security on its website, under the background of the sluggish overall employment rate in 2022, the shortage of jobs in the manufacturing industry continues, and the shortage of skilled jobs is more prominent, among them, seemingly inconspicuous "turning workers", "welders" and other jobs are among the top 10. Behind this long-standing problem of "difficult employment and difficult recruitment" is the structural mismatch of the labour market.To solve the effective matching of labor force education and labor resources.The problem Brooks no delay.Under this background, the vocational education plate rises all the way up.

But it is worth noting that there is a huge Blue Ocean track that we can easily overlook-the service and education market for blue-collar workers. According to Zhenshi Consulting, there will be 576 million yuan of non-farm employees in China in 2021, including gold-collar, white-collar and blue-collar talents. Among them, the population base of blue-collar workers is much larger than that of white-collar and gold-collar workers, accounting for 68.7% of the non-farm employed population, making it the largest working population group in China. With such a large user base, blue-collar service-related manufacturers are likely to get the biggest share of the pie in the vocational education and talent service market.

The data from Burning knowledge Consulting further support this conclusion. From 2016 to 2021, the market size of China's blue-collar lifetime service industry increased from 711.3 billion yuan to 1.1903 trillion yuan, with a compound annual growth rate of 10.8%. In the following five years, the growth of the industry will further accelerate. Cautionary Consulting predicts that the industry will have a compound annual growth rate of 13.3% from 2021 to 2026, that is, the market size will exceed 2 trillion yuan in 2026! There is no doubt that this is a trillion blue ocean market with steady development.

Picture: trillions of blue-collar lifetime service track


Source: prospectus, Burning Consulting

As an early bird, Yulan International has formed a leading advantage in the long-term deep ploughing industry. According to the information of Zhenshi Consulting, in terms of income in 2021, the total income of blue-collar lifetime service of Youlan International is 670 million yuan, which is the largest blue-collar lifetime service platform in China. As a leader, Youlan International will continue to take the lead by virtue of its first-mover advantage, and first of all enjoy the dividend of the development of the industry.

The second part is to build the life cycle service ecological closed loop of blue-collar talents.

It is worth noting that, unlike other competitors' focused and scattered subdivision tracks, Youlan International has built a comprehensive and all-round service covering the life cycle of blue-collar talent. From the perspective of the company's business layout, the four business sectors are based on vocational education (including practical skills training), practical skills training to employment, to career development services, and then to the user life cycle of continuous skills upgrading, together to form a comprehensive aggregation platform.


From the point of view of dismantling the plate:

First of all, the company starts from the vocational education service, taking into account both academic and non-academic education. At present, the company is entrusted with the management of 23 vocational schools, 1 self-run school, 37 professional co-construction projects and 9 skills training schools, covering 46 cities or counties in 16 provinces or autonomous regions. Youlan International's vocational education system is highly employment-oriented, so it is deeply recognized by the society and students. At present, the company has become the country's largest provider of vocational education management services. Taking the integration of industry and education as an example, the company relies on rich vocational education experience to meet the upgrading needs of vocational schools in the form of co-building specialties. According to the prospectus, the company will focus on developing industrial colleges in the future, especially covering emerging industries such as modern mobile communications, calculator network technology, 5G communications, artificial intelligence technology, mechatronics, high-speed rail crew, air crew and new energy vehicles.

In addition, the company has also performed well in the field of blue-collar recruitment. Different from the white-collar market, blue-collar delivery is a very important part of the industrial chain. In the past, the intermediary position was very important in blue-collar recruitment; with the scarcity of labor supply, the ability of initial distribution of labor force gradually transferred to the recruitment platform. Youlan International has a very special advantage in this business area-vocational education business is a natural reservoir. Through education and training, Youlan International has accumulated rich and high-quality blue-collar talent resources, which means that the company has a leading blue-collar talent supply capacity. On this basis, the company has created a strong brand of talent recruitment service platform-Youlan recruitment. According to the prospectus, Youlan recruitment will post an average of 1800 jobs a day in 2022, with nearly 20 million registered blue-collar workers, covering more than 6000 corporate customers and public units. With Youlan recruitment, the company has become the third largest blue-collar OMO recruitment service provider in China.

In the field of employee management services, the company has been awarded one of the top 100 human resources service brands in Greater China for four consecutive years. At present, the company has established cooperative relations with more than 120 of China's top 500 enterprises, and continues to provide enterprise customers with stable, sustainable and high-quality outsourcing services covering manufacturing, modern service industries and other industries.

We can see that the multi-plate has formed a good synergy effect within, and finally built a complete ecological closed loop around the blue-collar talent service chain. Under this model, the company can not only deeply tap the industry value chain and seek value-added business opportunities, but also through the continuous empowerment of the life cycle demand of blue-collar talents, the company can gather a large number of flow resources, thus forming a strong siphon effect, continue to form a leading trend in the industry, and enjoy deterministic growth opportunities.

Judging from past performance, this is indeed the case. Despite the strong impact of the epidemic on education and training activities and a decline in employment demand, the overall growth momentum of the company is still good, showing strong resilience. In 2021, Youlan International achieved an income of 738 million yuan, 11% higher than that of 2019, which was not affected by the epidemic. The company's gross profit has increased significantly, from less than 10 million in 2019 to 160 million yuan in 2021. At present, with the release of epidemic prevention and control measures, business is bound to rebound.

In the long run, the policy Dongfeng resonates with the demand of the industry, bringing high-certainty growth opportunities, and Youlan International is expected to move to a higher level. If this successful listing, the strength of Youlan International is expected to be further enhanced, and further open the acceleration of growth.

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