

*ST Jiai (300309.SZ) plans to receive a free gift of no less than 700 million yuan in cash assets from the controlling shareholder

Gelonghui Finance ·  Dec 20, 2022 15:05

Gelonhui, December 20, 丨*ST Jiai (300309.SZ) announced that in view of the company's current business situation, Shandong Expressway Xiangyu, the controlling shareholder of the company, plans to give the company no less than 700 million yuan in cash assets free of charge in order to help the company bail out and effectively promote the healthy development of the company, and will pay the gift to the company's designated account within seven working days from the date the agreement came into effect. This gift was invested in the company in the form of cash assets, which was an unobligatory gift.

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