

ST Research Institute (300159.SZ): It is proposed to apply for a comprehensive credit line of no more than 2,077.6 billion yuan from financial institutions and similar financial enterprises in 2023

Gelonghui Finance ·  Dec 19, 2022 20:00

Gelonghui, December 19, 丨 ST Research (300159.SZ) announced that the fourth meeting of the fifth board of directors was held on December 19, 2022 to review and pass the “Proposal on Applying for Comprehensive Credit Lines and Expected Guarantee Lines from Financial Institutions and Similar Financial Enterprises in 2023”, agreeing that the company and its wholly-owned subsidiaries, holding subsidiaries and their subsidiary companies plan to apply for comprehensive credit lines totaling no more than RMB 2,077.6 billion from financial institutions and similar financial enterprises according to the needs of business development in 2023; to ensure a comprehensive credit financing plan Upon successful completion, it was agreed that the company and its wholly-owned subsidiaries and holding subsidiaries plan to provide a guarantee amount not exceeding RMB 2,077.6 billion for the above comprehensive credit lines for wholly-owned subsidiaries, holding subsidiaries and their subsidiaries within the scope of consolidated statements in 2023.

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