
晶方科技(603005.SH):拟将“集成电路12英寸TSV及异质集成智能传感器模块项目”结项 并将节余募资永久补流

Jingfang Technology (603005.SH): Plans to complete the “Integrated Circuit 12-inch TSV and Heterogeneous Integrated Smart Sensor Module Project” and permanently recharge the savings

Gelonghui Finance ·  Dec 16, 2022 15:50

Gelonghui December 16 丨Jingfang Technology (603005.SH) announced that on December 16, 2022, the company held the 5th Interim Meeting of the 5th Board of Directors and the 5th Interim Meeting of the Fifth Board of Supervisors to deliberate and pass the “Proposal on the Settlement of Fundraising Projects and Permanently Supplementing Liquidity with Savings Funds”, agreeing that the company would close the “Integrated Circuit 12-inch TSV and Heterogeneous Integrated Smart Sensor Module Project” and use the savings to permanently supplement liquidity.

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