
小商品城(600415.SH):拟对外提供委托贷款4800万元 年化利率5.5%

Commodity City (600415.SH): Proposes to provide entrustment loans of 48 million yuan with an annualized interest rate of 5.5%

Gelonghui Finance ·  Dec 15, 2022 15:40

Gelonghui December 15 丨Commodity City (600415.SH) announced that in order to improve the efficiency of capital use, Zhejiang Yiwu Shopping E-Commerce Co., Ltd. (“Yiwu Buy”), an indirect holding subsidiary of the company, intends to sign an “Entrusted Loan Agreement” with Yixia Chengdu International Trade City Co., Ltd. (“Chengdu Trade City” or “grantee”) and the Yiwu branch of Agricultural Bank of China Co., Ltd. to provide the grantee with an entrusted loan of 48 million yuan through the bank, for a period of 2 years, with an annualized interest rate of 5.5% for the grantee's daily operation. The grantee provided a guarantee for the transaction with the office building in Building 1 of Chengdu International Trade City, which it owns.

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