
A股异动 | 美瑞新材(300848.SZ)跌近6% 董事任光雷完成减持0.3%股份

Changes in A-shares | Meirui New Materials (300848.SZ) fell nearly 6%, and director Ren Guanglei completed a 0.3% reduction in stock holdings

Gelonghui Finance ·  Dec 15, 2022 14:08
Gelonghui, December 15, 丨 Meirui New Materials (300848.SZ) is now down 5.8% to 29.39 yuan, with a provisional transaction of 100 million yuan. The latest market value is 5.88 billion yuan. Meirui New Materials announced yesterday that the company received a “Notice Concerning the Completion of the Implementation of the Share Reduction Plan” issued by director Ren Guanglei and learned that the holdings reduction plan disclosed by Ren Guanglei had been implemented. From August 29 to December 13, 2022, it reduced its holdings of the company's shares by 600,000 shares through centralized bidding, accounting for 0.30% of the company's total share capital.

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