
A股异动 | 中粮资本(002423.SZ)跌逾4% 股东弘毅弘量拟减持不超3%股份

Changes in A-shares | COFCO Capital (002423.SZ) falls by more than 4%, shareholder Hongyi Hongliang plans to reduce its shareholding by no more than 3%

Gelonghui Finance ·  Dec 14, 2022 14:47
Gelonghui, December 14, 丨 COFCO Capital (002423.SZ), the financial control platform of the central enterprise COFCO Group, is now down 4.31% to 7.32 yuan, with a temporary transaction of 300 million yuan. The latest market capitalization was 16.8 billion yuan; the stock once rose and stopped for three consecutive days last week (December 5-7). COFCO Capital announced yesterday that Hongyi Hongliang, a shareholder holding 7.0048% of the company's shares, plans to reduce the company's shares by no more than 69123.67 million shares through centralized bidding and bulk transactions within six months after 15 trading days from the date of disclosure of this announcement (accounting for 3% of the company's total share capital).

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