
A股异动 | 中油资本跌6% 第八大股东海峡能源拟清仓减持

Changes in A-shares | CNPC Capital fell 6%, and Strait Energy, the eighth largest shareholder, plans to clear positions and reduce holdings

Gelonghui Finance ·  Dec 14, 2022 09:45
Gelonghui, December 14, 丨 CNPC Capital (000617.SZ) fell 6.46% to 6.23 yuan, with a total market value of 78.8 billion yuan. CNPC Capital announced on the 12th that Strait Energy, the eighth largest shareholder and shareholder holding 1.81% of the shares, plans to reduce the company's total holdings by no more than 229 million shares through centralized bidding and bulk transactions, that is, no more than 1.81% of the company's total share capital.

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