

*ST Tencent (300392.SZ): Bank loans of 538 million yuan overdue

Gelonghui Finance ·  Dec 13, 2022 20:40

Gelonghui, December 13, 丨*ST Tencent (300392.SZ) announced that on October 31, 2019, the company signed a “Working Capital Loan Loan Contract” with the Qingdao Branch of China Minsheng Bank Co., Ltd., with the word ZH1900000133239, with a loan amount of 333 million yuan. The loan period is from October 31, 2019 to October 31, 2022. The loan interest rate uses a fixed interest rate of 4.5125%, which is followed by Benqing. Qingdao Global Wealth Center Development and Construction Co., Ltd. provided a term deposit pledge guarantee for this loan and signed a “Pledge Contract” numbered DB1900000090995. The pledge guarantee period is the same as the loan period.

On November 19, 2019, the company signed a contract number with the Qingdao branch of China Minsheng Bank Co., Ltd.: “Working Capital Loan Contract” with the words ZH1900000141091. The loan amount was 205 million yuan. The loan period was from November 19, 2019 to November 19, 2022, and the loan interest rate was fixed, or 4.5125%, with the interest rate for the loan. Qingdao Global Wealth Center Development and Construction Co., Ltd. provided a term deposit pledge guarantee for this loan and signed a “Pledge Contract” numbered DB1900000094950. The pledge guarantee period is the same as the loan period.

As of the disclosure date of the announcement, the bank loan was overdue because the company failed to repay the principal and interest of the above bank loan as agreed.

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