
水晶光电(002273.SZ)拟推第七期员工持股计划 规模不超715.5万股

Crystal Optoelectronics (002273.SZ) plans to launch the seventh employee stock ownership plan with a scale of no more than 7.155 million shares

Zhitong Finance ·  Dec 12, 2022 18:40

Zhitong Financial APP News, Crystal Optoelectronics (002273.SZ) issued the seventh phase of the employee stock ownership plan (draft), the shareholding plan intends to raise a maximum of 42.7869 million yuan, to "share" as a subscription unit, each share is 1.00 yuan, the total subscription share does not exceed 42.7869 million. The participants are the supervisors, core technologies, business backbones and managers of the company (including subsidiaries), and the total number of holders shall not exceed 172.

The stock of the shareholding plan is derived from the common shares of Crystal Optoelectronics A shares that have been repurchased by the company's special securities account, and the planned shareholding size is no more than 7.155 million shares, accounting for about 0.51% of the company's total share capital. The price of the stock ownership plan to buy back shares is 5.98 yuan per share.

The duration, lock-up period and equity ownership arrangement of this shareholding plan: the duration of this shareholding plan is not more than 48 months, and the underlying stock rights and interests held by this shareholding plan are unlocked in three phases, with a lock-up period of 12 months, 24 months and 36 months respectively, and the unlocking ratio is 40%, 30% and 30% respectively. All shall be counted from the date on which the draft shareholding plan is examined and approved by the shareholders' general meeting of the company and the transfer of ownership of the last underlying stock announced by the company to the name of this shareholding plan.

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