
A股异动 | 晶方科技跌4.8% 股东拟减持公司不超3%股份

Changes in A-shares | Jingfang Technology fell 4.8%, shareholders plan to reduce the company's shares by no more than 3%

Gelonghui Finance ·  Dec 12, 2022 09:37
Gelonghui, December 12, 丨 Jingfang Technology (603005.SH) opened low and is now reporting a low of 19.48 yuan, hitting a one-month low of 4.8%, with a total market value of 12.73 billion yuan. The company's shareholders, Sino-Singapore Venture Capital, plan to reduce the company's shares by no more than 19.5964 million shares (3% of the total share capital) through bulk transactions.

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