
港股异动 | 敏华控股再度大涨逾11% 连涨6周股价翻倍

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Minhua Holdings once again surged more than 11% and doubled its share price for 6 consecutive weeks

Gelonghui Finance ·  Dec 9, 2022 14:54
Glonhui, December 9丨Minhua Holdings (1999.HK) once again rose more than 11%, recording a six-week increase, and the cumulative increase doubled. It is now reported that HK$8.47 hits an 8-month high, with a total market capitalization of HK$33.1 billion. With the benefits of the optimization and adjustment of epidemic prevention and control and marginal easing of real estate policies, industrial chain stocks such as home furnishing have been active recently. China Post Securities pointed out that the company, as a leader in the functional sofa industry, is expected to regain strong development momentum in the future as the domestic consumption environment gradually picks up.

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