
A股异动 | 乐普医疗涨4% 抗原试剂盒“供不应求”

Changes in A-shares | Lepu Medical rose 4% Antigen kits “in short supply”

Gelonghui Finance ·  Dec 9, 2022 10:11
Gelonghui, December 9, 丨 Lepu Healthcare (300003.SZ) rose 4.65% to 23.87 yuan, with a total market capitalization of 44.9 billion yuan. A notice from Lepu Diagnostic Technology appeared on the Internet yesterday showing that after receiving a call from the Beijing Drug Administration and Supervision Department, all antigen kits will be collected today and tomorrow. In response, the company stated that it had not issued the above notice before, nor had it received any relevant phone calls. Regarding the current production and delivery situation, the company also stated that it is currently in order status and is not in stock. Lots of orders, but too late for delivery. Furthermore, the company said that production capacity will be adjusted dynamically according to factors such as the development of the epidemic and market conditions, and production plans will be adjusted in a timely manner according to market demand.

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