

Industrial Internet Series In-Depth: Clarifying Concepts and Targets

格隆汇 ·  Feb 27, 2019 11:08

Author: Shen Haibing / Miao Xinjun / GE Xianyu / Liu Xiong

Summary of the report:

With frequent policies, the industrial Internet has become the focus of the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry.

Since "made in China 2025", the State Council, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and relevant ministries have issued a series of policies to support the integration of intelligent manufacturing, industrialization and informatization, vigorously promoting Internet + manufacturing, intelligent manufacturing, advanced manufacturing and so on. The Intelligent Manufacturing Development Plan (2016-2020) released in December 2016 specifically mentions the construction of industrial Internet foundation. In November 2017, the State Council issued the guidance on deepening Internet + 's Advanced Manufacturing Industry to develop the Industrial Internet, which is a programmatic document to standardize and guide the development of China's industrial Internet. Recently, the National leading Group for the Construction of Manufacturing Powers has set up a special working group on the industrial Internet. The intensive introduction of policies shows that the country attaches great importance to the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry and the industrial Internet. The development of industrial Internet is a long-term and continuous task, and the imagination space is very broad.

The industrial Internet is divided into three levels to provide "data + model" services for enterprises.

Industrial Internet is a new field, new platform and new mode formed by the deep integration of the new generation of information technology and industrial system represented by the Internet, and it is the key infrastructure for the development of intelligent manufacturing. It is divided into three levels: network, platform and security. Among them, the network is the foundation, the platform is the core, and security is the guarantee. The network system forms an industrial intelligent "blood circulation system", which provides a guarantee for the interconnection of intranets in enterprises and for the realization of ubiquitous interconnection and smooth flow of data in all links of the industrial chain. The platform system is responsible for getting through the internal IT and OT of the enterprise. The PaaS layer which provides digital model based on micro-service architecture provides "data + model" services for industrial enterprises, which is also the inherent logic of the integration of information technology and manufacturing technology to create value. The security system insists on synchronous planning, synchronous construction and synchronous operation with the platform system. For security manufacturers, the construction of industrial Internet has brought massive emerging security requirements.

In a broad sense, the industrial Internet releases the huge energy of cloud computing and promotes each other with the cloud on the enterprise.

The industrial Internet industry system is very broad, all kinds of technologies and applications related to the digital and intelligent transformation of manufacturing enterprises can be regarded as the category of industrial Internet. Due to the mutual promotion of industrial cloud in the actual operation of industrial enterprises and the construction of industrial Internet platform, on the one hand, the development of industrial Internet drives a large number of small enterprises to purchase SaaS and APP services; on the other hand, the development of industrial cloud in turn helps enterprises gradually evolve to a platform-based industrial Internet. The construction of enterprise cloud and industrial Internet platform will not only support each other in physical structure, connect more devices and promote the construction of network infrastructure, but also promote each other on the logical level. promote the common and rapid development of cloud computing and industrial Internet.

Investment suggestion

According to the three levels of industrial Internet network, platform and securityCombined with the beneficiary links and the company's competitiveness, we mainly recommend UFN, Oriental Guoxin, Baoxin Software, Hande Information, Kingdee International Software Group, Qimingxing, and suggest paying attention to Saiyi Information, Dingjie Software and Visteon.

Risk Tips:The promotion and landing of policies related to the industrial Internet are not as expected, the willingness of industrial enterprises to pay the bill is not as expected, the replication of the industry platform is not as expected, and the profitability of the industrial Internet platform is not as expected.



1. With frequent policies, the industrial Internet has become an important foothold for the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry.

1.1. "made in China 2025", the ten-year action plan leading the manufacturing powers

The manufacturing industry is the main body of the national economy, the foundation of the country, the instrument of rejuvenating the country and the foundation of a powerful country. Since the reform and opening up, China's manufacturing industry has developed continuously and rapidly, and a complete, independent and complete industrial system has been established, which has effectively promoted the process of industrialization and modernization, significantly enhanced the comprehensive national strength, and supported China's status as a world power. However, compared with the advanced level of the world, China's manufacturing industry is still large but not strong, and there is an obvious gap in the ability of independent innovation, the efficiency of resource utilization, the level of industrial structure, the degree of informatization, quality and benefit, and so on. the task of transformation and upgrading and leapfrog development is urgent and arduous.

On May 19th, the State Council officially issued made in China 2025, which aims at key links such as innovation-driven, intelligent transformation, strengthening foundation and green development to promote the manufacturing industry from large to strong. The core of made in China 2025 is to accelerate the innovation and development of the manufacturing industry, improve quality and efficiency, and realize the transformation from a big manufacturing country to a manufacturing power. At the same time, the document also gives the "three steps" to achieve the strategic goal of a manufacturing power.


At the specific landing level, "made in China 2025" puts forward nine strategic tasks and five key projects, and builds an action program for the first decade of China's manufacturing power strategy on the basis of the "three-step" strategy.



From the perspective of strategic tasks and key projects, made in China 2025 will promote the overall upgrading of the manufacturing industry based on innovation, integration, and intelligence. instead of simply relying on some upgrades brought about by tactical adjustments such as industrial software, intelligent equipment transformation, machine replacement, etc., at the same time, we will pay more attention to the digital and scientific design and creation of industrial products, product quality and management system, and green sustainable development.

1.2. Industrial Internet has become an important foothold for the development of Internet + 's advanced manufacturing.

Since "made in China 2025", the State Council, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and relevant ministries have issued a series of policies to support the integration of intelligent manufacturing, industrialization and informatization, vigorously promoting Internet + manufacturing, intelligent manufacturing, advanced manufacturing and so on.

In December 2016, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Ministry of Finance jointly launchedIntelligent Manufacturing Development Plan (2016-2020)It has pointed out the specific direction for the development of intelligent manufacturing during the 13th five-year Plan period: by 2020, the key areas of traditional manufacturing will basically achieve digital transformation, and significant progress will be made in the intelligent transformation of key industries with conditions and foundations; by 2025, the intelligent manufacturing support system has been basically established, and key industries have initially realized intelligent transformation. The document also puts forward ten key tasks in the field of intelligent manufacturing in the next few years, includingSpecifically mention the construction of the foundation of industrial InternetPromote the transformation of intelligence in key areas and cultivate the ecosystem of intelligent manufacturing.


On November 27th, with the signature and approval of Premier Li Keqiang, the State Council issued the guidance on deepening Internet + 's Advanced Manufacturing Industry to develop the Industrial Internet, which is a programmatic document standardizing and guiding the development of China's industrial Internet.


1.3. To set up a special working group, the industrial Internet is the key to manufacturing power.

On February 24, 2018, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the Circular of the National Manufacturing Power Construction leading Group on the Establishment of a Special working Group on the Industrial Internet. It was decided to set up a special working group on the industrial Internet (hereinafter referred to as the "special working group") under the national leading group for the construction of manufacturing powers. The main responsibility of the special working group is to coordinate the overall work of the development of China's industrial Internet, to examine major plans, major policies, special projects and important work arrangements for promoting the development of the industrial Internet, and to strengthen strategic planning. guide the work of all regions and departments, coordinate important issues across regions and departments, and strengthen supervision and inspection of the implementation of important issues.

We believe that, combined with the contents of this circular and the historical experience of big data's inter-ministerial joint meeting, the establishment of a special working group is expected to promote industrial Internet standards, system construction, as well as major plans and policies, play a positive role in major projects, and the process of cultivating national cross-industry and cross-domain industrial Internet platforms is expected to be accelerated. In addition, the organizational form of the annual meeting also proves that the development of the industrial Internet is a long-term and sustainable task, starting from the industrial cloud, integrating application and production trading capabilities, leading innovation, and finally realizing the ecology of industrial Internet platform will become the main task of industrial enterprise informatization in the next 5-10 years.

two。 What exactly is the connotation of industrial Internet?

Industrial Internet is a new field, new platform and new mode formed by the deep integration of the new generation of information technology and industrial system represented by the Internet, and it is the key infrastructure for the development of intelligent manufacturing.Different from the traditional Internet, the industrial Internet connects people, data and machines, and is a high degree of integration of industrial systems with advanced computing, analysis, sensing technology and the Internet.

The development of industrial Internet has experienced many stages, such as cloud platform, big data, Internet of things and so on. So far, the innovation and research of major economies in the world have focused on industrial Internet, industrial Internet of things, industrial big data and other platform-level projects. According to IoT Analytics, a consulting body,There are more than 150 industrial Internet platforms in the world, and the market size of industrial Internet platforms is expected to reach 1.644 billion US dollars in 2021.

wmAccording to the guidance of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on deepening Internet + 's advanced manufacturing industry and developing the industrial Internet, China summarizes the development of the industrial Internet into three major systems, namely, network, platform and security. Among them, the network is the foundation, the platform is the core, and security is the guarantee.


The network system of industrial Internet has formed the "blood circulation system" of industrial intelligence. From the level of enterprise intranet, we can achieve a unified interface, open up information islands and data chimneys, and lay a good foundation for wider interconnection and in-depth development of intelligent manufacturing. From the enterprise external network level, the promotion of the industrial Internet helps to expand the coverage of the Internet backbone network, and provides a guarantee for the ubiquitous interconnection of all links of the industrial chain and the smooth flow of data. As most of the network system participants are related enterprises in the field of communications, I will not repeat them here.

2.1. The core of industrial Internet is the platform layer.

Among the three major systems of industrial Internet, the platform layer is the most important.Facing the digital, networked and intelligent needs of the manufacturing industry, the industrial Internet platform constructs a service system based on massive data collection, aggregation and analysis, and supports the ubiquitous connection, flexible supply and efficient allocation of manufacturing resources.

The industrial Internet platform undertakes the important task of connecting the internal and external data of enterprises and opening up the information and production departments. From the logical level, the industrial Internet platform includes access layer, basic layer, platform layer and application layer. Among them, the access layer and the basic layer assume the role of terminal connectivity and network infrastructure; the platform layer provides basic functions such as data collection, cleaning and analysis, and uses algorithms such as big data and artificial intelligence to build a knowledge base combined with OT, support production and operation decisions, and finally present them in a visual way, while supporting the development of various personalized applications. The application layer is developed according to the individual needs of the enterprise, and is deeply bound with the operation and management of the enterprise.

The Information soft Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology organized the relevant units to compile the "White Paper on the Industrial Internet platform", which was released in November 2017, which gives the architecture of the industrial Internet platform. In terms of composition, the industrial Internet platform consists of three elements: data acquisition (edge layer), industrial PaaS (platform layer) and industrial APP (application layer).


It can be interpreted through four levels of main tasks:

1. Data acquisition (edge layer) is the foundation. It is necessary to build an accurate, real-time and efficient data acquisition system, collect the data, through protocol conversion and edge calculation, part of it is processed on the edge side and directly returned to the machine and equipment, and part is transmitted to the cloud for comprehensive utilization analysis to further optimize the formation of decision-making.

2. Industrial PaaS (platform layer) is the core. The purpose of this paper is to build an extensible operating system and provide a basic platform for industrial APP application development.

3. Industrial APP (application layer) is the key. It is to form application services that meet different industries and different scenarios, and present them in the form of industrial APP.

4. IaaS is the support. It pools computing, storage, network and other resources through virtualization technology, and provides measurable and flexible resource services to users.

In the three levels of industrial Internet IaaS, PaaS and SaaS, the degree of development is significantly different. IaaS has a high degree of maturity, rapid iteration of technological innovation, and a certain monopoly. Amazon.Com Inc AWS, Microsoft Corp Azure, Aliyun, Tencent Cloud, Huawei Cloud and other major global markets, on this basis, there are low-level general-purpose platforms such as Siemens and GE. At present, most industrial PaaS are insufficient in industrial know-how and professional technology, affected by the success of horizontal integration of consumer Internet, and ignore the huge professional differences between manufacturing and consumption fields, which can easily lead to miscalculation of strategic direction and development path. Industrial PaaS development and construction should provide general capabilities on the basis of professionalism. The development of SaaS is restricted by the insufficient capacity of PaaS, and its potential has not yet been brought into full play, and it is still in its infancy. SaaS is gradually going deep into the manufacturing industry, and small and medium-sized enterprises have the most urgent demand for SaaS application, the largest amount of service, and the most direct value creation.


As most of the existing industrial software formats in general enterprises are not unified, the main task of the current industrial Internet platform layer is still to integrate real-time data such as MES, ERP and even CPS on the existing production side (edge layer collection), unified summary and analysis (extensible operating system of the platform layer) Provide real-time monitoring, production management, energy efficiency monitoring, logistics management and other core functions of production operation management (millions of industrial APP applications) to achieve the integration of industrialization and information of the whole industrial chain.

2.2. Digital Model is the Core of PaaS layer of Industrial Internet

For the industrial InternetIndustrial Internet platform is the coreFor the industrial Internet platform, the industrial PaaS (platform layer) is the core. From an architectural point of view, industrial PaaS contains a lot of content. Among themThe core is the digital model based on micro-service architecture.

This digital model regularizes, softwares, modularizes and encapsulates a large number of industrial technology principles, industry knowledge, basic processes and model tools into reusable components. We can simply understand that the knowledge base which encapsulates a large number of industrial technology principles, industry knowledge and basic models, as the core of connecting enterprise IT and OT, solidifies the experience of industry understanding and front-line production in the form of code and information technology, successfully solves the separation of information and production in manufacturing enterprises, and makes the industrial Internet platform become the control brain of the whole factory or industrial production.

With the data collected by the edge side and the network layer, coupled with the digital model of the PaaS layer, we can understand the industrial Internet as the service of "data + model", which is also the inherent logic of the integration of information technology and manufacturing technology to create value.


From a practical point of view, when a large amount of data from machinery and equipment, business systems, product models, production processes and operating environments are gathered on the industrial PaaS platform, and the technology, knowledge, experience and methods are also precipitated on the platform in the form of digital models, it is only necessary to combine, analyze, mine and present different data by calling various digital models. It can develop all kinds of industrial APP quickly, efficiently and flexibly, and provide a variety of services such as life cycle management, collaborative R & D and design, production equipment optimization, product quality inspection, enterprise operation decision, equipment predictive maintenance and so on.

2.3. The security of industrial Internet is becoming more and more important.

With the development of industrial Internet, security will become a more and more important link. According to the interpretation of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on "deepening Internet + 's guidance on the Development of Industrial Internet", industrial Internet security can be divided into network security, data security, application security and cloud security from the perspective of implementation.


1、network security.That is, the traditional security manufacturers are familiar with the industrial control firewall, identity authentication and identification, IDS/IPS and other basic services.

2、Data security.It refers to the safety problems of all kinds of data such as internal production management data, production operation data and external data of the factory, which will be directly related to the production operation status of the factory. No matter whether the data is stored through big data platform, or distributed on users, production terminals, design servers and other devices, massive data will face security threats such as data loss, leakage, tampering and so on. This part is still a new field for most security manufacturers. In addition to data anti-leakage, the protection of data security will also become a new problem that security manufacturers need to solve in the process of digital manufacturing in the future.

3、Application security.Refers to the security of application software and platforms that support the operation of industrial Internet business. All kinds of industrial Internet platforms and Shangyun applications, similar to common commercial software, will continue to face traditional security challenges such as viruses, Trojans and vulnerabilities.

4、Cloud security.On the one hand, the security of facilities such as intrusion prevention and traffic cleaning for public cloud manufacturers, and the security audit and management associated with the hybrid cloud architecture built for public clouds and enterprises on the other.

We believe that the platform system and security system adhere to synchronous planning, synchronous construction, synchronous operation, for security manufacturers, the construction of industrial Internet has brought massive emerging security requirements.As more and more production and decision-making rely on the network and data, improving the safety protection capability will become the focus of the next step of upgrading and transformation of manufacturing enterprises. A series of requirements combined with industrial Internet, such as improving security protection capability and establishing data security protection system, have brought a wide range of market space for security manufacturers. Identification system security, industrial Internet platform security, industrial control system security, industrial big data security and other related core technologies, and the research and development of security products such as attack protection, vulnerability mining, intrusion discovery, situational awareness, security audit, trusted chips and other security products, the new security requirements will drive the medium-and long-term development of the security industry and lay a demand foundation for the sustained growth of security manufacturers.

3. What is the relationship between the Industrial Internet and the Cloud in Enterprises

3.1. Industrial cloud belongs to the industrial Internet in a broad sense.

From the perspective of manufacturing enterprises, the industrial Internet is a high-level application of the new generation of information technology in the actual production of factories, in addition to the three major systems of network, platform and security, all kinds of technologies and applications involving digital and intelligent transformation of manufacturing enterprises can be regarded as the category of industrial Internet. The industrial Internet covers a very broad industrial system.


According to the major categories, it can be roughly divided into industrial system and ICT system, and the key plates involved include industrial equipment, network equipment, cloud computing, industrial software, industrial cloud, industrial Internet platform and so on. As the industrial cloud in the actual operation of industrial enterprises and the construction of industrial Internet platform promote each other, we can think that industrial cloud service also belongs to the industrial Internet in a broad sense.

3.2. Industrial Internet and enterprise cloud promote each other

Industrial Internet and enterprise cloud play a role in promoting each other in the actual operation. On the one hand, the development of industrial Internet drives a large number of small enterprises to purchase SaaS and APP services; on the other hand, the development of industrial cloud in turn helps enterprises gradually evolve to a platform-based industrial Internet.

3.2.1 Industrial Internet releases huge energy of cloud computing

With the development of the future industrial Internet platform, with the gradual establishment of the PaaS market system, the platform will gradually complete the cloud migration of traditional services and processes, ESP, OA, MES, collaborative software, etc., and the promotion of industrial software will change from offline implementation to online account sales.Cloud migration of traditional industrial software is expected to become the main battlefield of IT competition among industrial enterprises.. In addition, various APP and SaaS services that support individual needs within the enterprise will also effectively supplement general-purpose management and manufacturing software, maximize modular purchase and personalized development of general-purpose software, reduce IT implementation and operation and maintenance costs, and enhance the integration of IT and OT in the business field.


The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology "deepening" Internet + Advanced Manufacturing Industry "guidance on the Development of Industrial Internet" also puts forward two quantitative indicators of promoting millions of enterprises on the cloud and cultivating millions of industrial APP.Encourage industrial Internet platforms to land in industrial agglomeration areas, encourage local governments to encourage the migration of business systems of small and medium-sized enterprises to the cloud through fiscal and tax support and government purchase of services, and achieve two-way iteration between large enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises using the platform to promote mutual progress. Support cooperation among software enterprises, industrial enterprises, scientific research institutes, etc., strive to cultivate about 1 million of industrial APP for specific application scenarios in key industries, promote the programming of process experience, the manifestation of industrial knowledge, and the cloud computing of industrial intelligence, and strengthen the industrial Internet platform industry.

3.2.2 from Industrial Cloud to Industrial Internet

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the three-year Action Plan for the Development of Cloud Computing (2017-2019) in March 2017. as a measure driven by interaction with the industrial Internet, the development of industrial cloud will become one of the important application promotion actions in the next three years. The plan makes it clear that the implementation of the "guidance on deepening the Integrated Development of Manufacturing and Internet" will further promote the pilot demonstration of industrial cloud applications. Take the lead of local government organizations, rely on cloud computing enterprises with advanced technological strength, build an industrial cloud, including manufacturing, so as to promote the development of the real economy to become the ultimate goal.

From the perspective of industrial cloud, from R & D and design tools to core business systems, gradually evolved to devices and products on the cloud, capacity trading-oriented, to achieve the optimal allocation of manufacturing resources across enterprises, this step is to complete the construction of industrial Internet platform in a narrow sense. Then the enterprise precipitates the application on the platform, opens the ecology, and finally realizes the construction of the industrial Internet ecosystem. Therefore, the industrial Internet platform can be understood as superimposing the functions of open manufacturing capacity, knowledge and experience reuse and developer agglomeration on the basis of software tool sharing and business system integration of the traditional industrial cloud platform. greatly improving the efficiency of industrial knowledge production, dissemination and utilization is an evolving process.


Apart from the surprise of the central government, local governments have introduced subsidies for industrial enterprises to go to the cloud. For example, in December last year, the Guangdong Provincial Economic and Information Technology Commission issued the "implementation Plan for further soliciting and deepening" Internet + 's Advanced Manufacturing Industry "implementation Plan for the Development of Industrial Internet" and "several supporting policies for accelerating the Development of Industrial Internet for Cloud use of Enterprises", proposing to build 20 industrial Internet platforms, promote 200000 enterprises to launch cloud, nurture 30, 000 APP, create 50 demonstration projects, and so on. In addition to Guangdong, the governments of Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Chongqing and other places have issued specific policies for enterprises to cloud, jointly with local finance, development and reform commissions, Internet information offices and other commissioning bureaus to implement comprehensive subsidies for enterprises in cloud, network communications, IT services and other related industries.


Whether from a policy point of view, or from the perspective of the needs of manufacturing enterprises, to promote the migration of various information systems to cloud platforms, enrich the content of professional cloud services, and promote the application of cloud computing in manufacturing industry segments, will become an important measure to improve the development level and management level of the industry. It can be seen that the construction of enterprise cloud and industrial Internet platform will not only support each other in physical structure, connect more devices and promote the construction of network infrastructure, but also promote each other on the logical level. promote the common and rapid development of cloud computing and industrial Internet.

4. What is the difference in the layout of key enterprises in industrial Internet?

4.1. Yuyou Jingzhi platform serves the majority of industrial enterprises in Shangyun

Ingenuity is the friend cloud from an industrial perspectiveA digital cloud platform for industrial enterprises, which integrates Internet technologies such as big data and cloud computing, and provides industrial enterprises with intelligent cloud services such as design, manufacturing, analysis, marketing, procurement, finance and manpower with an open ecosystem.


Yuyou Smart platform can connect industrial enterprise equipment, application systems, operators, etc., achieve local resources on the cloud, and support a variety of SaaS cloud services in PaaS capabilities, covering key applications of industrial enterprises. Currently, more than 1000 enterprise cloud services have been supported, providing more than 1000 application components, more than 50 application development frameworks, and supporting millions of concurrent and online operations of millions of users. The platform can be adapted to different IaaS platforms and can run in Aliyun, Huawei Cloud, AWS Cloud or self-built data centers.

4.2. Dongfang Guoxin Cloudiip platform has advantages in process industry.

Relying on Beike Yili's years of accumulation in the metallurgical industry, the parent company independently developed and built cloudiip industrial Internet platform, and jointly with relevant departments of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology to cultivate industrial Internet ecology. The main industry customers are metallurgy, iron and steel and other process industries.


Dongfang Guoxin Cloudiip platform currently has 10 industrial Internet sub-platforms, including energy cloud, ironmaking cloud, high-speed iron cloud, air pressure cloud, asset cloud, wind power cloud and thermal cloud, etc., refining 200reusable micro-services, forming more than 300industrial APP, and practicing five application scenarios of "production process optimization, enterprise management and decision optimization, product lifecycle optimization, inter-enterprise collaborative manufacturing, and business model innovation". At present, it is used in thousands of enterprises in hundreds of regions in 35 countries around the world, covering an annual output value of more than one trillion yuan, directly bringing significant economic benefits to enterprises (for example, the direct efficiency of a single blast furnace in ironmaking cloud is 24 million / year, and the energy consumption is reduced by 3% and 15%).

4.3. Baoxin ploughs Baosteel to open up IT/OT data flow

Baoxin Software is a MES manufacturer in the iron and steel industry, with current product and service performance in metallurgy, petrochemical, electric power, health and other fields. Baoxin officially launched Baoxin Industrial Internet platform in 2017 to realize the integration and integration of information flow, capital flow and logistics within the enterprise.


Baoxin Industrial Internet platform is mainly divided into three levels of architecture, the first level is the edge computing for the industrial field. The second level is the big data platform deployed in the cloud. The third level is the application system for all kinds of business of the enterprise. Baoxin Industry Internet platform can standardize data storage, transmission and acquisition according to the characteristics and business requirements of iron and steel manufacturing data. At present, Baosteel Group has realized the connection between the enterprise OT layer and the IT layer through the field equipment data collection and protocol conversion based on the Baoxin industrial Internet platform, so that the data can flow efficiently between the whole manufacturing system and the IT system.

4.4. The Internet platform of tide industry serves the intelligent management of enterprises

Wave Group officially launched the wave M81 platform in 2017. The architecture of Chaochao M81 platform is divided into four layers, including data acquisition layer, cloud support platform layer, big data processing and application development platform layer and application service layer.


At present, Chaochao M81 platform has provided dozens of customers, including Shanneng Group, China Grain Reserve Group, Mengneng Group, etc., including intelligent equipment access, equipment monitoring, asset management, quality process improvement, industrial enterprise operation data monitoring and other services. industrial Internet solutions to help enterprises build intelligent management.

4.5. Foxconn BEACON platform helps build Smart Factory

Foxconn Group developed the industrial Internet platform BEACON in 2017. Explore the transformation of digital technology into a leading industrial Internet company by combining its expertise in 3C equipment, parts, access, and other fields.

BEACON platform through the integration of industrial Internet, big data, cloud computing and other software and industrial robots, sensors, switches and other hardware, intelligent control tower to establish an end-to-end controllable smart cloud platform. The equipment data, production data and industry professional theory are integrated, processed and analyzed to form an open and shared industrial APP.

At present, Foxconn uses the BEACON platform to achieve full production process recording, wireless intelligent positioning, overall presentation of SMT data (capacity / yield / material loss, etc.), data intelligence to achieve centralized management of data, intelligent energy control based on big data and adaptive testing platform.


4.6. Haier COSMOPlat platform supports flexible production and service

Based on years of practical experience in the home appliance manufacturing industry, Haier Group launched the industrial Internet platform COSMOPlat, forming a user-centered large-scale customized production mode to achieve real-time demand response, real-time visualization of the whole process and seamless docking of resources.

The COSMOPlat platform is divided into four layers: the first layer is the resource layer, which openly aggregates global resources to achieve distributed scheduling and optimal matching of all kinds of resources. The second layer is the platform layer, which supports the rapid development, deployment, operation and integration of industrial applications and realizes the software of industrial technology. The third layer is the application layer, which provides specific interconnected factory application services for enterprises to form a full-process application solution. The fourth layer is the pattern layer, which relies on interconnected factory application services to achieve pattern innovation and resource sharing.


At present, the COSMOPlat platform has opened up interactive customization, open research and development, digital marketing, module procurement, intelligent production, intelligent logistics, intelligent services and other business links, through the intelligent system to enable users to continuously and deeply participate in product design and development, manufacturing, logistics and distribution, iterative upgrading and other links to meet users' personalized customization needs.

4.7. BABA ET industrial brain builds a lifecycle data management system

Aliyun ET Industrial brain platform relies on Aliyun big data platform to establish a product lifecycle data management system, and realize industrial data modeling and analysis through the combination of big data technology, artificial intelligence technology and industrial knowledge, effectively improve production yield, optimize process parameters, improve equipment utilization, reduce production energy consumption, and improve equipment predictive maintenance ability.


Ariyun ET industrial brain platform consists of three modules: data module, application module and command module, which realize the construction of data knowledge graph, business intelligence algorithm platform and production visualization platform respectively. At present, Aliyun Industrial brain platform has been applied in many industrial vertical fields, such as photovoltaic, rubber, LCD screen, chip, energy, chemical industry and so on.

5. Recommendation of related subject matter

From the target point of view, according to the three levels of industrial Internet network, platform and security, we mainly recommend industrial Internet platform enterprise user network, Oriental Guoxin, Baoxin software; industrial cloud manufacturer user network, Kingdee International Software Group, Baoxin software, Dingjie software; manufacturing IT implementation enterprise Hande information, competition information; industrial Internet security manufacturer Qimingchen, Visteon, and so on.Combined with the beneficiary links and the company's competitiveness, we mainly recommend UFN, Oriental Guoxin, Baoxin Software, Hande Information, Kingdee International Software Group, Qimingxing, and suggest paying attention to Saiyi Information, Dingjie Software and Visteon.


Report issuer: Tianfeng Securities Co., Ltd.

Release time: March 5, 2018

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