
A股异动 | 达志科技涨8.6% 拟投资不超10.2亿元建锂离子电池产线项目

A-share changes | Dazhi Technology is up 8.6% and plans to invest no more than 1.02 billion yuan to build a lithium-ion battery production line.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Dec 7, 2022 09:46
Gelonghui (300530.SZ) shot up and fell back on December 7, rising about 13% in intraday trading to 28.55 yuan, an increase of 8.6%, with a total market capitalization of 4.52 billion. The company announced yesterday that it plans to invest in the construction of lithium-ion battery production line projects (1.8GWh and 1.3GWh) in Qidong County, Hengyang City, Hunan Province, with a total investment of no more than 1.02 billion yuan (the final total investment of the project shall prevail). Hunan leading New Energy Technology Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, is the main body of the project.

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