
Costco Wholesale(COST.US)获伯恩斯坦研究公司首次覆盖,给予优于大市评级

Costco Wholesale (COST.US) is covered by Bernstein Research for the first time and is rated better than the big market.

Stock Star ·  Dec 6, 2022 22:05

COSTco Wholesale (COST.US), covered for the first time by Bernstein Research, is rated better than the market, with a target price of $586.00.

$Costco (COST.US)$Company profile: Costco Wholesale Corp. Committed to the operation of the member warehouse. Its product categories include food and sundries, hard food, fresh food, clothing and supplementary food. Its operation is divided into the following parts: American operation, Canadian operation and other international operations. Founded in 1983 by James D. Sinegal and Jeffrey H. Brotman, the company is headquartered in Isaac, Washington.

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