
港股异动 | 烟草概念股集体上涨 澳门禁止电子烟新规今起生效

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Tobacco concept stocks rise collectively, Macau's new e-cigarette ban takes effect now

Gelonghui Finance ·  Dec 6, 2022 10:42
Glonghui, December 6, 丨 Tobacco concept stocks rose collectively. BYD Electronics rose 7%, Smore International rose 4.8%, Huabao International rose 1%, and China Tobacco Hong Kong and China's Bolton followed suit. To strengthen the protection of young people from e-cigarettes, Macao SAR Law No. 13/2022 “Amending Law 5/2011 (Prevention and Control System of Smoking”) officially came into effect on December 5. The law makes it clear that the Macao SAR prohibits the manufacture, distribution, sale, import and export of e-cigarettes and tobacco products for oral or inhalation, including the prohibition of carrying such products out of the country and into the Macao SAR.

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