
A股异动 | 亚光科技大涨超11% 发力军工电子主业

Changes in A-shares | Yaguang Technology surged more than 11% to boost the military electronics industry

Gelonghui Finance ·  Dec 6, 2022 09:47
Gelonghui, December 6, 丨 Military electronics leader Yaguang Technology (300123.SZ) rose sharply by more than 11%. It is now reported at 644 yuan, with a total market value of 6.5 billion yuan. The company announced last night that the controlling shareholders' approval of all relevant proposals to subscribe to listed companies to lock in price increases were passed by a high vote at the shareholders' meeting. Through this fixed increase in capital, Yaguang Technology will receive direct financing to boost the development of its main military electronics business.

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