
A股异动 | 贵人鸟涨停 3.73亿元收购资产 深化粮食业务布局

Changes in A-shares | Guirenniao rose and stopped buying assets of 373 million yuan to deepen food business layout

Gelonghui Finance ·  Dec 6, 2022 09:37
Gelonghui, December 6 -- Guirenniao (603555.SH) opened a straight line of rise and stopped, reaching a new high of more than 2 months at 4.04 yuan, with a total market value of 6.35 billion yuan. The company announced last night that its wholly-owned subsidiary Mi Chenglai purchased Metaifu's fixed assets, land use rights, and projects under construction for 373 million yuan, and that the wholly-owned subsidiary Jinhe Agriculture acquired all intellectual property rights held by Mataifu for 0 yuan. The main uses of the underlying assets are rice processing and sales and grain storage.

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