

* 300309.SZ: the subsidiary plans to transfer 100% equity of Hainan Jizhong for 67 million yuan.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Dec 5, 2022 22:15

On December 5, 300309.SZ announced that in order to dispose of the company's assets as soon as possible, speed up the recovery of funds, increase cash flow, improve the company's financial situation, and improve the company's sustainable operating capacity. Pingyang Rongren Asset Management Partnership (Limited Partnership) and Suzhou Jixiang Asset Management Co., Ltd. (collectively referred to as the "transferor") plan to transfer 100% equity of the project subsidiary Hainan Jizhong property Service Co., Ltd. ("Hainan Jizhong" or "Target Company") to Jiang Zhenfa at a price of 67 million yuan. After the completion of this transaction, the company will no longer hold the equity of Hainan Jizhong. Hainan Jizhong is no longer included in the scope of the company's consolidated statements.

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