
贵人鸟(603555.SH):米程莱以3.73亿元购买和美泰富固定资产、土地使用权及在建工程 金鹤农业以0元收购其全部知识产权

603555.SH: Michaelai purchased all its intellectual property rights for Homeitai fixed assets, land use rights and Jinhe Agriculture, a project under construction, for 373 million yuan.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Dec 5, 2022 19:30

Gelonghui (603555.SH) announced that Jinhe Michaelai Agriculture (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of the company, purchased the fixed assets, land use rights and projects under construction of Heilongjiang and Meitai Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. (Hometaifu Agricultural Development Co., Ltd.) with RMB 373 million in cash. Qiqihar Jinhe Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Jinhe Agriculture"), a wholly-owned subsidiary, acquired all the intellectual property rights held by Mattel and Mattel for 0 yuan.

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