
美股异动丨亚朵(ATAT.US)盘前涨超7% 开盘或创新高

Us stocks changed. ATAT.US rose more than 7% before trading or hit a new high.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Dec 5, 2022 17:27
ATAT.US, a new stock, rose 7.35% to $18.99 before trading on December 5, and is expected to open at a new high. According to the prospectus, Yaduo Group has made a profit for three consecutive years. Of this total, Q3 achieved revenue of 670 million yuan in 2022, an increase of 18.6% over the same period last year, with a quarterly net profit of 111 million yuan and a net interest rate of 16.6%, a record high. Yaduo started as a mid-and high-end hotel chain and gradually developed into a lifestyle brand group with six major accommodation brands and three original lifestyle brands.

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