
港股异动丨光伏股逆势走弱 逆变器龙头阳光电源大幅下调出货指引

Hong Kong stock changes丨PV stocks bucked the trend and weakened inverter leader Sunshine Power drastically lowered shipping guidelines

Gelonghui Finance ·  Dec 5, 2022 14:49
Glonghui, December 5, 丨 PV stocks bucked the trend and weakened, Follett Glass fell nearly 7%, and GCL Technology fell 4.42%. There were market rumors over the weekend that Sunshine Power, the leader of photovoltaic inverters, drastically lowered its shipping guidelines, lowering household energy storage shipments from 100,000 units to 60,000 units in 2022, and household energy storage shipments from 500,000 units to 300,000 to 350,000 units in 2023.

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