
板块异动 | 上交所服务推动打造一批旗舰型央企上市公司 中字头个股持续拉升

Changes in the sector | Shanghai Stock Exchange's services promote the creation of a number of flagship central enterprise listed companies, and the leading individual stocks of listed companies continue to rise

Zhitong Finance ·  Dec 5, 2022 10:50

The Zhitong Finance App learned that on December 5, stocks such as COFCO Capital (002423.SZ) and China Railway Construction (600339.SH) continued to rise due to news that services from the Shanghai Stock Exchange were promoting the establishment of a number of flagship central enterprise listed companies. As of press release, stocks such as COFCO Capital (002423.SZ) and China Petroleum Engineering () rose and stopped, China Aviation Finance (600705.SH), China Unicom (), China Unicom (), China Unicom (), China Unicom (), China Unicom (), China Unicom (), China Unicom (), China Unicom (), China Unicom (), China Unicom (), China Unicom (), China Unicom (), China Unicom (), China Unicom (), China Unicom (), China Unicom (), China Unicom (), China Unicom (), China Unicom (), China Unicom (), 600050.SH 601186.SH

On December 2, the Shanghai Stock Exchange formulated a new round of arrangements related to comprehensive services for central enterprises. There are three main initiatives involving listed companies of central enterprises. First, services push central enterprise valuations back to a reasonable level. Second, services promote specialized integration among central enterprises. Cooperate with the State Council's State-owned Assets Administration Commission to carry out specialized integration of central enterprises, provide more tools and channels for the integration of central enterprises, and promote the establishment of a number of flagship central enterprise listed companies. The third is to serve and improve the modern enterprise system with Chinese characteristics.

Currently, there are 263 state-owned enterprises in Shanghai, including 238 on the Main Board and 25 on the Science and Technology Innovation Board. In 2021, the total revenue and net profit of central enterprises in Shanghai accounted for more than 50% of the total revenue and net profit of the Shanghai market. Central enterprises are an important part of the Shanghai market. Since 2020, there have been 30 mergers, acquisitions and restructuring of central enterprises on the Shanghai Main Board, with a cumulative transaction amount of nearly 70 billion yuan. The Shanghai Stock Exchange has actively promoted the reform of central enterprises. The overall price-earnings ratio of central enterprises in Shanghai is about 8 times, and the overall market is about 13 times. According to the Huaxi Securities Research Report, there is room for central enterprises in Shanghai to increase their valuations.

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