

Chunneng Holdings will be removed from power and interest on January 4, 2023, and 20 shares will be merged into 1 share

Futu News ·  Dec 2, 2022 05:03

News on December 2nd$C&N Holdings Limited (08430.HK)$On January 4, 2023, 20 shares will be divided into one share.

Close as of December 1$C&N Holdings Limited (08430.HK)$It was at HK $0.014, with a turnover of HK $20800 and a market capitalization of HK $11.6785 million.

What is a partnership?

Joint stock is the opposite process of stock splitting. When the stock price is low, in order to improve the company's image, listed companies will merge the issued shares in proportion, that is, by merging multiple shares into one share. After the partnership, the share price increases according to the corresponding proportion, the shareholders' rights and interests remain unchanged, and the total market value of the company remains unchanged, but the number of positions will change.

Niuniu Tip:

Before announcing the specific implementation of the program, everything may change, such as changing the implementation date or even canceling the relevant company actions. The final plan shall be subject to the final announcement of the exchange and the listed company.

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