
板块异动 | 球赛提振啤酒需求增长 啤酒概念股持续走强

Sector changes | The game boosts the growth of beer demand, and beer concept stocks continue to strengthen

Zhitong Finance ·  Dec 1, 2022 10:07
On December 1, A-share beer concept stocks continued to strengthen due to news that the game boosted beer demand. As of press release, Yongshuntai (001338.SZ) came out of the 11 board in 12 days, Lehui International (603076.SH) rose and stopped, and Tsingtao Brewery (600600.SH), Chongqing Beer (), Chongqing Beer (), Lanzhou Yellow River (000929.SZ), Pearl River (002461.SZ), and Yanjing Brewery (000729.SZ) followed suit. 600132.SH

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