
港股异动 | 敏华控股(01999.HK)升9% 机构指家具股迎来预期拐点 公司内销有望重拾强劲增长

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Minhua Holdings (01999.HK) rose 9%, institutions say furniture stocks ushered in an expected inflection point, and the company's domestic sales are expected to resume strong growth

Zhitong Finance ·  Dec 1, 2022 09:54
Minhua Holdings (01999.HK) continued to rebound, rising more than 9% at the beginning of the session. The agency commented that in the process of implementing the effects of the real estate stabilization policy, furniture companies will reach the expected inflection point. However, with the gradual recovery of the domestic consumption environment, Minhua Holdings' domestic sales are expected to regain strong impetus for development. As of press release, Minhua Holdings rose 9.42% to HK$778, with a turnover of HK$54 million.

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