
Livewire Group Inc盘中异动 急速拉升6.54%

自選股智能寫手 ·  Dec 1, 2022 03:28

北京时间2022年12月01日02时37分,Livewire Group Inc(股票出现异动,股价急速上涨6.54%。截至发稿,该股报6.52美元/股,成交量8453股,换手率0.00%,振幅5.88%。



Livewire Group Inc股票所在的汽车制造行业中,整体涨幅为1.56%。其相关个股中,小鹏汽车、蔚来、理想汽车涨幅较大,小鹏汽车、蔚来、Mullen Automotive Inc较为活跃,换手率分别为15.45%、8.20%、7.99%,振幅较大的相关个股有小鹏汽车、Faraday Future Intelligent Elec Inc C/Wts (To Pur Com)、蔚来,振幅分别为31.20%、20.36%、18.38%。

Livewire Group Inc公司简介:LiveWire Group Inc is an all-electric vehicle company. It sells electric vehicles and related parts and accessories and apparel in the United States and certain international markets. LiveWire generates revenue from the sale of electric motorcycles, electric balance bikes, related P&A, and apparel.

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