
特发信息(000070.SZ):拟将“成都傅立叶测控地面站数据链系统项目”结项 并将节余募资2705.01万元永久补流

Special message (000070.SZ): It is proposed to close the “Chengdu Fourier Measurement and Control Ground Station Data Link System Project” and raise a savings of 270501 million yuan to permanently replenish the current flow

Gelonghui Finance ·  Nov 30, 2022 20:20

Gelonghui November 30th 丨Tefa Information (000070.SZ) announced that on November 29, 2022, the company held the 33rd meeting of the 8th board of directors and the 11th meeting of the 8th board of supervisors to review and pass the “Proposal on Closing Funding Projects and Using Savings to Raise Funds to Permanently Replenish Liquidity”. In view of the company's public offering of convertible corporate bonds, the investment project “Chengdu Fourier Measurement and Control Ground Station Data Link System Project” has been tested and continuously improved. The functional performance has reached the planned target of the project. The company plans to complete the project and savings will also be made The capital raised was 2,7051 million yuan to permanently supplement working capital (including interest income; the final amount is based on the bank balance on the day the funds were transferred), and the corresponding special fund-raising account was cancelled.

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