
港股异动 | 光正教育涨9% 料本财年扭亏为盈达9000万人民币

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Guangzheng Education is up 9%. It is expected to turn a loss into a profit of 90 million yuan this fiscal year.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Nov 29, 2022 10:10
Guang Guangzheng Education (6068.HK) rose 9.09% to HK $0.168, with a total market capitalization of HK $366 million. Guangzheng Education made a profit on the 28th, compared with a loss of 2.12 billion yuan in the previous year, and is expected to record a profit of about 90 million yuan in the fiscal year ending August. This is due to an one-time loss of about RMB 2.899 billion resulting from the termination of accounting by the affected entities in the previous year, and an increase in income from integrated education services and school-related supply chain operations.


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