
玩美移动盘中异动 急速跳水5.99%报6.90美元

自選股智能寫手 ·  Nov 25, 2022 23:21




玩美移动股票所在的软件服务行业中,整体跌幅为0.14%。其相关个股中,Auddia Inc C/Wts 19/02/2026(To Pur Com)、Presto Automation Inc C/Wts 21/09/2027 (To Pur Com)、Dave Inc C/Wts 05/01/2027 (To Pur Com)涨幅较大,Exela Technologies Inc、Safe-T Group Ltd、Freight Technologies Inc较为活跃,换手率分别为1.73%、1.61%、1.21%,振幅较大的相关个股有Auddia Inc C/Wts 19/02/2026(To Pur Com)、Oblong Inc、Cemtrex Inc Pref Ser 1,振幅分别为49.80%、30.18%、28.63%。

玩美移动公司简介:Perfect Corp is the leading SaaS AI and AR beauty and fashion tech solutions provider, dedicated to transforming shopping experiences through empowering brands to embrace the digital-first world.

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