
友和集团(02347)发布中期业绩 股东应占溢利100.7万港元 同比扭亏为盈

Youhe Group (02347) Announces Interim Results Shareholders' Profit Attributable to Shareholders of HK$1,007 million, turning a year-on-year loss into a profit

Zhitong Finance ·  Nov 24, 2022 16:40

According to the Zhitong Finance App, Youhe Group (02347) announced interim results for the six months ending September 30, 2022. The group achieved revenue of HK$448 million during the period, an increase of 30.03% over the previous year; shareholders should account for a profit of HK$1,007 million, and the loss attributable to shareholders in the same period last year was HK$1,945 million, turning a loss of HK$0.27 per share into a profit; basic profit per share was HK$0.27 cents.

According to the announcement, the increase in revenue was mainly due to increased revenue from online sales and offline retail store sales through the Youhe OMO business. The reason was that different operating data (including registered members, number of orders received, and customer unit price per order) increased; the Group continued to actively seize market share strategies and expand product portfolio strategies to further diversify the brand; increased marketing activities increased the Group's brand awareness and expanded its customer base; cooperated with many financial institutions to launch more long-term promotional activities; and implementation of supporting government policies such as consumer voucher plans.

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