
A股异动 | 南京熊猫(600775.SH)跌逾4% 中国华融大宗交易减持1.28%股份

A-share change | Nanjing Panda (600775.SH) fell more than 4%. China Huarong bulk Trading reduced its stake by 1.28%.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Nov 23, 2022 13:55
Gelonghui, Nanjing Panda (600775.SH), which opened low and left low on November 23rd, is down 4.6% at 11.21 yuan, with a temporary turnover of 450 million yuan, with the latest market capitalization of 10.2 billion yuan.


Nanjing Panda announced yesterday that China Huarong will reduce its stake in the company by block trading on November 21, 2022, accounting for 1.28% of the company's total share capital. After the completion of the reduction, China Huarong holds 33.994824 million shares, accounting for 3.72 per cent of the company's total share capital.

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