
港股异动 | 南京熊猫电子(00553)涨超15% 月内累涨近35% 中国华融未实施集中竞价减持公司股份

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Nanjing Panda Electronics (00553) rose more than 15% and rose nearly 35% during the month, China Huarong did not implement centralized bidding to reduce the company's shares

Zhitong Finance ·  Nov 22, 2022 10:10

The Zhitong Finance App learned that Nanjing Panda Electronics (00553) jumped high in early trading. At one point, it rose more than 15%, and rose nearly 35% during the month. As of press release, it rose 10.73% to HK$3.92, with a turnover of HK$8.178,300.

According to the news, Nanjing Panda Electronics Co., Ltd. issued an announcement stating that on November 21, the company received a notice from China Huarong regarding the expiration of the holdings reduction time period. As of the announcement date, the holdings reduction period set in the holdings reduction plan disclosed by China Huarong had expired, and China Huarong had not implemented centralized bidding to reduce the company's shares. The implementation of this holdings reduction plan has been completed.

According to information, Nanjing Panda Electronic Equipment, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nanjing Panda Electronics, is an intelligent manufacturing supply-side enterprise under China Electronics (CEC). It is a leading domestic supplier of industrial robots, intelligent manufacturing systems and overall solutions for intelligent manufacturing.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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