
港股异动丨南京熊猫AH股齐飞 H股一度张超15% A股盘中涨停

Changes in Hong Kong stocks (Nanjing Panda A shares Qifei H shares once Zhang Chao 15% A shares rose by the daily limit in intraday trading

Gelonghui Finance ·  Nov 22, 2022 10:05
Gelong Hui, November 22 (Nanjing Panda H shares once rose more than 15% to HK $3.9, while A shares were closed at 11.84 yuan in intraday trading.
The company announced last night that the company's shareholding of more than 5% is not the expiration of the reduction time set in the reduction plan disclosed by the largest shareholder, China Huarong, and that China Huarong has not implemented a centralized bidding to reduce its shares in the company.
In addition, A shares were financed to buy 29.7392 million yuan yesterday, accounting for 35.89% of the amount bought that day, with a current financing balance of 486 million yuan.
Some analysts said that the company is known as the cradle of China's electronics industry, is China's largest integrated electronics backbone enterprise, may benefit from China's electronics mixed reform.


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