
教育部出台內地職業學校辦學條件達標工程方案 明年底達標學校比例要達80%以上

The Ministry of Education has issued a project plan for the conditional training of vocational schools in inland areas. By the end of next year, the proportion of compulsory schools will reach more than 80%.

即市頭條 ·  Nov 18, 2022 14:40

Inland education stocks won today (18). Hope Education (01765.HK) shares will increase by 16.7% to 0.84 yuan, China Education Holdings (00839.HK) by 18.1% to 8.7 yuan, China Education (00667.HK) by 9.9% and 06169.HK by 14.8%.

Five departments, including the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, and the Ministry of Housing and Urban Construction, recently published the "implementation Plan for Vocational School training conditions Project". Among them, the vocational school qualification project covers secondary vocational schools and higher vocational schools.

It is mentioned in the plan that all localities are required to unify the resources of regional vocational education, to meet the needs of regional economic and social development, to take the form of integrated vocational schools, integrated vocational schools, and non-vocational schools, to transform the vocational school bureaus, and to reasonably determine the enrollment model; it is required that all localities should comprehensively inspect the basic facilities of vocational schools, retain schools, and formulate plans for vocational school conditions by category. It is required that all localities should, in accordance with the equipment standards of vocational schools, make good use of the resources for editing and editing, and first support vocational education.

Through scientific planning and rational readjustment, we will continue to increase policy supply, so that the structure of vocational schools will be further improved, the conditions for vocational education will be improved, the overall level of training will be improved, and the volume and attractiveness of vocational education will be greatly enhanced. By the end of 2023, the proportion of vocational schools in all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities and Xinjiang production and construction military vocational schools under key monitoring conditions will reach more than 80% and more than 90% by the end of 2025.

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