
兴业矿业(000426.SZ)股东富龙集团未减持股份 减持期限已满

The shareholder Fulong Group of Societe Generale Mining (000426.SZ) has not reduced its holdings, and the reduction period has expired

Zhitong Finance ·  Nov 14, 2022 19:35

According to the Zhitong Finance App, Societe Generale Mining (000426.SZ) issued an announcement. On November 14, 2022, the company received the “Letter from Chifeng Fulong Public Use (Group) Co., Ltd. on the progress of implementation of the share reduction plan” issued by shareholder Fulong Group. Up to now, the holdings reduction plan period revealed in the above pre-disclosure announcement has expired, and Fulong Group has yet to reduce its holdings of the company's shares.

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