
锐捷网络(301165.SZ)IPO定价32.38元/股 将于11月10日开启申购

Ruijie Network (301165.SZ) IPO pricing 32.38 yuan / share will start to apply for purchase on November 10th.

Zhitong Finance ·  Nov 8, 2022 21:35

Zhitong Financial APP News, Ruijie Network (301165.SZ) announcement, the company's initial public offering price determined at 32.38 yuan / share. The offline and online application dates are both November 10, 2022 (T day), in which the offline purchase time is 09:30-15:00, and the online application time is 09:15-11 position 30, 1300-15:00.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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