
特发信息(000070.SZ)累计回购3195.18万股 耗资1.94亿元

Special message (000070.SZ) cumulative repurchase of 31.9518 million shares cost 194 million yuan

Zhitong Finance ·  Nov 1, 2022 16:30

Zhitong Financial and Economic APP News, special message (000070.SZ) issued an announcement that as of October 31, 2022, the company had accumulated 31.9518 million shares through the buyback special securities account through centralized bidding transactions, accounting for 3.78% of the company's total share capital. The highest transaction price for the purchase of shares was 7.1380 yuan per share, the lowest transaction price was 5.2900 yuan per share, and the total amount paid was 194 million yuan (excluding transaction fees).

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