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Changes in the sector | The national standard for the overall network architecture of the industrial Internet was officially released, and the domestic software sector continues to strengthen

Zhitong Finance ·  Oct 26, 2022 11:00

Zhitong Financial APP learned that on October 26th, under the influence of the official release of the national standard for the overall network architecture of the industrial Internet, the domestic software sector of A shares continued to strengthen. As of the press release, Tianyu Information (300205.SZ) rose 20%, while China Software (600536.SH), Jiuqi Software (002279.SZ), Vertex Software (603383.SH), user Friends Network (600588.SH), Jiuyuan Yinhai (002777.SZ) and other stocks rose by the daily limit. China Digital (000034.SZ), Hengfeng Information (300605.SZ), Venture Huikang (300451.SZ), Tianrongxin (002212.SZ), Xinan Century (688201.SH) and other stocks rose and rose.

Recently, the National Standardization Management Committee issued the 13th National Standards notice of the people's Republic of China in 2022, approving the release of the national standard GB/T42021-2022 "Industrial Internet General Network Architecture". This is the first national standard issued in the field of industrial Internet networks in China, marking a solid step forward in the construction of China's industrial Internet system.

The organization pointed out that the industrial Internet is a new infrastructure, application model and industrial ecology with the deep integration of the new generation of information and communication technology and the industrial economy. Through the comprehensive connection of people, machines, materials, systems, etc., to build a new manufacturing and service system covering the whole industrial chain and the whole value chain is an important cornerstone of the fourth industrial revolution. According to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, since 2022, the development of China's industrial Internet has accelerated, the industrial Internet logo analysis system has been basically completed, and the average daily analysis volume of the country's top nodes has increased significantly. At present, the industrial Internet is integrated into 45 major categories of the national economy, with an industrial scale of more than one trillion yuan.

In addition, Shenzhen Juli core software focuses on supporting software such as EDA. Recently, the Shenzhen Municipal people's Government formally issued "some measures to promote the High-quality Development of the Software Industry in Shenzhen", defining the key development direction of the software industry, focusing on supporting computer-aided design, scientific computing and system modeling and simulation, electronic design automation (EDA) and other R & D and design software.

EDA, that is, electronic design automation, is the source of the integrated circuit industry, known as the mother of chips. The agency pointed out that domestic EDA companies are highly scarce. The downstream demand overlaps the domestic market, and the EDA track has excellent growth certainty. Under the background of policy guidance and collaborative R & D by major customers, domestic EDA companies usher in a rare development opportunity.

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