

* 300309.SZ: "PetroChina Dangara Refinery" intends to sell assets in Dangara Development Zone at a price of US $41 million.

Zhitong Finance ·  Sep 28, 2022 19:10

Zhitong Financial APP News, * St Jiai (300309.SZ) notice that the company's wholly-owned subsidiary "PetroChina Dangara Refinery" Co., Ltd. intends to sign an "asset sale and purchase contract" with "SITORA" Technology complex Co., Ltd., it intends to sell all its plant, equipment, machinery and low-value consumables in the factory, as well as its two villas located in Dushanbe, to SITORA. After friendly negotiation between the two sides, the transfer consideration was determined to be 41 million US dollars. The proceeds from this exchange will be used to supplement the company's working capital and pay for asset disposal expenses. This transaction is expected to increase the net assets of the company by 100 million yuan and increase the total profit by 100 million yuan (without deducting transaction-related fees).

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